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Resysta: The Substitute of the Wood

Among the natural resources, wood is the most valuable one but limited obtained from the earth. To protect our environment, experts have taken active part in finding out its replacement against continuing destruction of rainfall. Through the painstaking researches Resysta----the neo-material has been produced.

Resysta, a new hyber-scentific material, consists of salt, mineral oil and natural silica abstracted from plants. It is wood-free but looks and feels like the wood, embracing lots of positive properties, including flame retarstant, slip resistant, UV resistant, static eletricity resistant, water resistant, moisture resistant and harsh weather resistant. It not only can be used alternatively for over 80 to 100 years, but can be 100% recycled.

The key to success of innovation of Resysta is grounded in the Perfect Techniques between natural fabric and macromolecule polymers. Based on the complicated PTRH-Technology, the Techniques was successfully operated in molecular materials, while shaping Resysta bipolar property. It allows to be commonly used in variable living building materials regardless of indoor or outdoor, floor or wall, ceiling, fence or parterre, railings and even furniture.

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